• Производство и продажа измерительных приборов

      Простая и надёжная контрольно-измерительная техника от российского производителя
    • Производство полного цикла
    • Инновационное технологическое оборудование
    • Контроль качества на всех этапах производства
    • Выпускаем 10 000 счетчиков в день

Manufacturing and selling of measurement instrumentation

Simple and reliable controlling and measuring equipment from the Russian manufacturer

Water meters Water consumption
in apartments
Industrial water meters Water volume
at enterprises
Manometers Pressure of fluids
and gases
Thermometers Temperature of liquids, gases,
solids and viscous fluids

METER Company was founded in 2003. METER is one of the leading manufacturers of pressure gauges, meters, and other instrumentation.

Devices and systems for smart metering

"Smart-METER" - a complex system of smart metering and payments for resources.


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